Virtual Hiring

to screen a high number of candidates faster

Conduct effective interviews to hire the best applicants faster with smart Virtual Hiring that allows you to automate the process for the most part.

Virtual Hiring

Push brisk profiles forward with Virtual Hiring

Select from the list or prepare comprehensive interview questions for a more professional interview process.

virtual hiring leave note
mitigated delays

Mitigated Delays

Conduct interviews unbounded by time with NinjaInterview. Let candidates attend interviews by conveniently recording their responses outside business hours, which you can review rapidly without delaying your operations.

candidate tracking

Candidate Tracking

Track performance and the statuses of numerous applicants easily using NinjaInterview Virtual Hiring. You can categorize candidates by adding tags to their profiles or classify them according to their experience and expertise for an easy evaluation.

auto grade and shortlist

Auto Grade and Shortlist

Segregate and organize prospective employee profiles from the vast clutter of applicants easily with the help of automated grading and shortlisting features. Let the software grade the interview and shortlist applications before finalizing a profile.

tailored assessment

Tailored Assessment

Customize the assessment based on the job requirements and the applicant's expertise. Analyze the responses to the interview questions you prepared and assess the candidate's performance closely with NinjaInterview Virtual Hiring.

What is Virtual Hiring?

Virtual Hiring is recruiting a professional based on expertise by interviewing them virtually instead of in person. By conducting virtual interviews, video exchanges, and distributing questionnaires, it has shown to be a successful method of hiring employees. Increase your hiring speed using the NinjaInterview platform and screen many profiles in less time.

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